Welcome ­to Greenville Livestock Auction, Inc. located in Greenville, IL just ½-mile south on route 127 from I-70 exit 45. J.R. Hugo, Travis and Shaina Diekemper invite you to visit us online or personally at our weekly auction every Wednesday and see the facility in person.

While browsing our site you can find map and directions to our facility, how to contact us, meet our staff, review our latest market reports and make sure to mark your calendars when you take a look at our upcoming specials also, check out GLA Vacc program.



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Text Alerts

Text GREENVILLE to 855-481-0527

  • Early Consignments

  • Special Cattle Sales

  • And Much More





Every Wednesday 10 am Fat Cattle followed by Sheep & Goats, Baby Calves,
Breeding Stock, Feeder Cattle and Cull Bulls & Cows
receiving hours Tuesday 9am-9pm
Wednesday starting at 7:00am
any questions or need different time call Steve @618-322-0385
Next regular auction Wednesday April 2nd, 2025

Early consignments:


Special Feeder Sale – Saturday April 5th, 2025 @ 10 am
45 day minimum weaning date for GLA Vac Program February 19th

21 day minimum vaccination date for GLA Vac Program March 15th
Be sure to bring your vaccination affidavit & copy of receipts when delivering.

Early Consignments:
16 Hol strs 500-550 lbs GLA Vac2
9 Hol strs 450-500 lbs GLA Vac2
4 Hol strs 700-800 lbs GLA Vac1
9 Blkx strs & hfrs 450-550 lbs GLA Vac2
12 Blk & Red strs & hfrs 400-650 lbs GLA Vac2
25 Blkx strs & hfrs 450-600 lbs GLA Vac2
15 Red & Blk Angus cross strs & hfrs 550-700 lbs GLA Vac2
13 Chax strs & hfrs 600-700 lbs GLA Vac2
8 mixed strs & hfrs 500-550 lbs GLA Vac2
55 Bwf Rwf strs & hfrs 550-750 lbs GLA Vac2
11 Sim/Ang strs 600-650 lbs GLA Vac2
25 Bwf Rwf strs & hfrs 400-550 lbs GLA Vac2
16 Blk strs & hfrs 500-650 lbs GLA Vac2
6 Blkx strs & hfrs 650-700 lbs GLA Vac2
10 Blkx strs & hfrs 475-525 lbs GLA Vac2
4 Blkx strs & hfrs 450-500 lbs GLA Vac2
13 Blkx strs & hfrs 400-600 lbs GLA Vac2
6 Blk strs & hfrs 550-650 lbs GLA Vac2
5 Blkx strs & hfrs 475-525 lbs GLA Vac2
4 Blkx strs & hfrs 500-525 lbs GLA Vac2
32 Blk strs & hfrs 575-675 lbs GLA Vac2
40 Blk Sim strs & hfrs 500-700 lbs GLA Vac2


Special No Restrictions Feeder Sale
Wednesday April 9th 
call Steve 618-322-0385 or Kendra 618-402-8625
with your consignment for free advertising on our website
no vaccine requirements all feeder cattle accepted
Early consignments:
15 Blkx strs & hfrs 500-600 lbs weaned

Grass Time
Breeding Stock Special Sat April 12th 11am

Free Biscuits & Gravy Breakfast 8:30-10:55
Early Consignments:

 C & B Farms
8 Blk fall calving cows 4-6 yrs old bred to Reg Blk Ang bull

M & T Farms
7 Hereford heifers bred to low BW Black Angus bull

6 Blkx bred heifers bred to low BW Blk Angus bull
22 Blkx & Hereford cows 4-7 yrs old bred to Blk Sim bull

Circle Z Angus
20 Mix cows 5-7 yrs old bred to Reg Blk Ang bull

HG Farms
10 mixed bred cows 4-7 yrs old

Hottes Farms
3 Red Angus cross fall calving heifers bred
to low BW Kramer Black Angus bull

Evans Angus Farm
10 fancy Blkx first calf heifers with calves by side
Gardiner genetics


M&W Farms
15 mixed cows 5-8 yrs old bred to Circle Z or Callan Angus bulls
1 Purebred Black Angus Circle Z Angus Bull, 2 yrs old

M&M Farm
8 Blkx fall calving cows 6-8 yrs old bred to Kramer Black Angus bull

Goldstein Herefords
1 yearling registered Hereford Bull reg#44574628
CE+2.3, BW+2.6, WW+58, YW+89

4H’s Farm
Hereford Herd Dispersal
2/25/17 C51. Bred to calve 9/9/25 on due to BF Blueprint 0401 ET our herd bull.
10/20/20 Hazel. Bred to calve anytime after 9/9/25. AI to Hereford bull KJ 175F Benton 369J.
4/4/21 Jenna. Bred to calve anytime after 9/9/25. AI to Hereford bull KJ 175F Benton 369J.
1/5/14 C45. Bred to calve anytime.




If you are looking to earn some extra income and have feed & facilities to raise livestock. We are looking for producers like you to custom feed feeder cattle for us.

If you are interested or have questions contact:
Steve Carruthers 618-322-0385, Gene Price 217-331-3930, or Caleb Price 217-827-5818,  for further details.





Recent News

If you are looking for a Risk Management Program or are interested more information about our Finance Program – Contact Steve @ 618-322-0385.
Try our cattle collection facility in Effingham. Contact Gene @ 217-331-3930 or Caleb @ 217-827-5818



Order of Sale: Fat Cattle, Sheep & Goats, Baby Calves, Bred cows, bulls & cow/calf pairs stock, Vaccinated & Unvaccinated Feeder Cattle, Slaughter Bulls & Cows.



Recent Market Reports

  Sale results for March 26th, 2025 Total receipts: 810 Cattle receipts: 441 If you have any questions on fat cattle market call Gene @ 217-331-3930...

  Sale results for March 19th, 2025 Total receipts: 617 Cattle receipts: 441 If you have any questions on fat cattle market call Gene @ 217-331-3930...