Posts by: Steve Carruthers

Sale results for December 20, 2017 Total receipts: 716 Cattle receipts: 682 Slaughter steers and heifers traded steady to 1.00-2.00 higher on high choice and 2.00-3.00 higher on low choice and selects. Holstein steers traded steady to 1.00 higher on high choice and unevenly steady on low choice and selects. Feeder...

Sale results for December 13, 2017 Total receipts: 769 Cattle receipts: 680 Slaughter steers and heifers traded steady to 1.00 higher on high choice and 1.00-2.00 lower on low choice and selects. Holstein steers traded steady to 1.00 higher on high choice and 2.00 lower on low choice and selects. Feeder steers &...

12/09/2017 Receipts:  324 Special breeding stock sale saw active trade with good demand on the larger well conditioned young breds and moderate demand on the smaller underconditioned cattle. Also selling, but not reported below were five tested bulls ranging from yearling to three years old selling from $750.00 to a...

Sale results for December 6, 2017 Total receipts: 1043 Cattle receipts: 914 Slaughter steers and heifers traded unevenly steady to 1.00 lower on high choice and 1.00-2.00 lower on low choice and selects. Holstein steers traded 2.00 lower on high choice and 2.00-4.00 lower on low choice and selects. Feeder steers &...

Greenville Livestock Inc., Greenville IL Special GLA Vac Feeder Cattle Sale Weighted Average Report for 12/02/2017 Receipts: 916 Special GLA Vac sale, where most had recieved two rounds of shots, saw active trade with very good demand on a high quality offering. Steers accounted for 58 percent of the run; Holstein...

Sale results for November 29, 2017 Total receipts: 1560 Cattle receipts: 1443 Slaughter steers and heifers traded 1.00-3.00 higher on high choice and 2.00-3.00 higher on low choice and selects. Holstein steers traded 2.00 lower on high choice and 3.00-4.00 lower on low choice and selects. Feeder steers & heifers...

No Auction Wednesday, November 22 in observance of the holiday. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! Next Auction will be Wednesday, November 29 Sale results for November 15, 2017 Total receipts: 777 Cattle receipts: 725 Slaughter steers and heifers traded 3.00-4.00 lower on high choice and 4.00 lower on low choice and selects....

Breeding Stock Sale results for November 11, 2017 Total receipts: 435 There was a full house for the annual fall Breeding Stock Sale. On hand was an especially nice showing of registered and commercial stock, along with a couple of herd dispersals. The demand was very high on good quality heifers and younger cows and...

Sale results for November 8, 2017 Total receipts: 1224 Cattle receipts: 1093 Slaughter steers and heifers traded 2.00-4.00 higher on high choice and 1.00-3.00 higher on low choice and selects. Holstein steers traded 1.00-2.00 higher on high choice and 1.00 higher on low choice and selects. Feeder steers & heifers...

Sale results for November 4, 2017 Total receipts: 1669 Cattle receipts: 1669 Special feeder sale quality was excellent. Demand was very strong with all feeders qualifying for GLA Vac precondition program. Holstein feeders were stronger but Holsteins market still remains weak when compared to beef.  Beef feeders were...