The GLA VAC program was started in 2008 to help secure the future of livestock production in the state of Illinois. Based on their families’ years of knowledge and experience in the livestock industry, J.R., Travis and Shaina are confident of the strong need for healthy, vaccinated feeder cattle. They have made the program available to help producers overcome rising feed and labor costs, thereby increasing profitability.
Greenville Livestock Auction, Inc. encourages all livestock producers to contact Steve Carruthers to discuss how our “TAG ‘EM” vaccination program would be beneficial to your livestock operation.
Beginning August 1st 2013 special feeder sales will be for GLA VAC1 or GLA VAC 2 only unvaccinated feeders will need to be consigned to our regular Wednesday auction.
These can be performed on weaned calves or while calves are still nursing but have to be done at least 21 days prior to sale. Proper Beef Quality Assurance procedures must be followed along with correct vaccine handling practices. Buyers prefer & have orders requesting GLA VAC 2 cattle only so please try to get cattle on the GLA VAC 2 program.
1. Vaccinated for following viruses
A. IBR/PI3/BVD types I & II/ BRSV (May opt to use with Lepto (Lepto has been showing up especially in Holstein steers.)
B. Pasteurella (Both Mannheimia Haemolytica and Multocida)
C. Clostridials (7way Blackleg)
D. Haemophilus Somnus
2. Treat for internal & external parasites
3. Males castrated and healed.
Banding is allowable IF done properly, clamping is no longer an acceptable method of steers out bulls (this is due to past failures & complaints from buyers). Males that are in question by the market will be checked by on duty veterinarian if determined still males will be sold or resold for seller as bulls & disqualified as GLA VAC cattle.
4. GLA ear tag at vaccination time
5. Holstein steers must be dehorned before receiving a GLA tag.
6. Vaccination forms must be completed, signed, and presented at time of delivery to market facility along with receipts for proof of vaccine & parasite control purchases. NOTE: Over conditioning of cattle can decrease the value 5.00 to 10.00 cwt
Calves with above vaccines qualify for GLA VAC 1 without being weaned, if weaned they must be weaned 30 days or more to be eligible.
Maybe done to further enhance the value of your calves. Buyers prefer & have orders requesting GLA VAC 2 cattle only so please try to get cattle on the GLA VAC 2 program. Remember to notch the tag when all requirements are met for GLA VAC 2.
1. Calves must be weaned a minimum of 45 days
2. Revaccinated for the following viruses 14-28 days after GLA Vac1 vaccinations. Remember all vaccinations are to be completed minimum of 21 days before being marketed.
A. Modified live IBR/PI3/BVD types I & II / BRSV
B. Pasteurella (Both Mannheimia Haemolytica and Multocida)
C. Clostridials (7way Blackleg)
D. Haemophilus Somnus
3. Treat for internal & external parasites (if it has been 30 days or more since first treatment)
4. Dehorned or Tipped and healed
5. Ear tag notched to show option #2 has been preformed
6. Vaccination forms must be completed, signed, and presented at time of delivery to market facility along with receipts for proof of vaccine & parasite control purchases.
NOTE: Over conditioning of cattle can decrease the value 5.00 to 10.00 cwt
To qualify for the program all cattle must be owned a minimum of 60 days.
Vaccines maybe purchased from a veterinarian or vaccine supplier or Greenville Livestock Auction. Ear tags must be purchased from Greenville Livestock Auction.
Greenville Livestock Auction would like cattle to be consigned 7 days prior to sale day to enable us to advertise and promote your cattle to receive the highest value for your livestock. We have had great success the past year by advertising consignments ahead of sale day in order to draw in more potential buyers. Please contact Steve Carruthers (618-322-0385) with consignments.
A. IBR/PI3/BVD types I & II/ BRSV
Modified Live
Bovishield Gold 5
Express 5
Pyramid 5
Vista 5
Cattle Master Gold 5
Titanium 5
Vista Once PMH
Presponse HM
Respishield HM
Super Poly-Bac/Somnus
Bar Som 2P
Once PMH
(Be sure when using pastereurella vaccines that you use one that covers both types or calves will be disqualified from being GLA VAC program & eartag will be removed.)
C. (C & D) 7Way & Somnus can usually be used in a combination.
Vision 7/Somnus
UltraBac 7/Somnus
BarVac 7/Somnus
Vision 8/Somnus
D. Somnus if by itself
Somnu Shield
Internal and external parasite control preferred to but not limited to one of these products:
Synanthic & Safeguard (These are internal parasite products will need to include an external product such as Synergize delice if these products are chosen.)
Long Range
(Alan Messinger, owner and operator of Southwest Feeders in Nebraska has been one of our top supporters of the GLA Vac Program and he has shown a preference for at least one round of Bovishield Gold5, Once PMH & Ultra Bac7 w/Somnus, wormed with an injectable name brand wormer such as Ivomec, Dectomax or Cydectin. While this is not required, GLA highly recommends this.)
Product label for administration & handling must be followed.
Proper Beef Quality Assurance Procedure
• Products labeled for subcutaneous (SQ) administration should be administered SQ in the neck region (ahead of the shoulders).
• All products labeled for intra-muscular (IM) use shall be given in the neck region only (no exceptions, regardless of age).
• All products cause tissue damage when injected IM. Therefore all IM use should be avoided if possible.
• Products cleared for SQ, IV or oral administration are recommended.
• Products with low dosage rates are recommended and proper spacing should be followed.
• No more than 10 cc of product is administered per IM injection site.
Call Steve Carruthers with any questions: (618) 322-0385
GLA3 must have completed GLA Vac1 & GLA Vac2 plus these additional requirements.
1. GLA3 cattle must be 50% or greater Black Angus or Red Angus & look Angus phenotypically. They can not have any dairy or Brahma confirmation. Must be U.S. born & raised origin, also know date of first calf born or breeding dates with records.
2. GLA3 cattle have never been administered antibiotics, added hormones, steroids, beta-agonists or ionophores since birth.
A: NO antibiotics administered by injection, feed, or water at any level therapeutic or sub-therapeutic. Antibiotics include but not limited to: Tylan, Draxin, Nuflor, Baytril, Micotil, Excede, Excenel, Zuprevo, Zactran, LA 200, AS 700, Dexamethasone, Lutalyse, any form of oxtetracycline, tetracycline, penicillin, and sulfa’s etc.
1. Remember if antibiotic used at castration they are disqualified.
B. NO growth promoting stimulants include added hormones, steroids, & beta-agonist. Examples include but not limited to: any implants, MGA, Ralgro, Revalor, Compudose, Synovex, Encore, Optaflex, Zilmax, or any combination or derivatives thereof.,
C. NO ionophores including but not limited to: Rumensin, Bovatec, Cattlyst, Gain-Pro, & V-Max
3. GLA3 cattle are only fed an all-natural, 100% vegetarian diet to supplement grazing & milk from nursing.
A. NO animal products including but not limited to: Feather meal, Fish Oil, Tallow, Poultry Litter, Yellow Grease or any other by-products from cattle, swine, sheep, poultry, or fish.
Be sure to watch mineral products that are fed & intended for the adult cattle. If the calves have access then they can not contain any antibiotics such as CTC or AS 700, Rumensin, Bovatec, etc.
4. GLA3 cattle must be raised in compliance with animal welfare standards & BQA guidelines.
5. GLA3 cattle need to be identified with a GLA3 tag & all records relating to them be kept on file for one year.
6. GLA3 cattle have to the GLA Vac1, GLA Vac2 signed affidavit for vaccination dates along with the signed GLA3 affidavit stating they have met all requirements.
7. Cattle that receive antibiotics must be identified & will be disqualified from GLA3 program but can still meet requirements for GLA Vac1 or GLA Vac2.
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