By Steve Carruthers
Posted: Updated:

Bred Cow sale Sat Feb 8th 11am
Free Biscuit & Gravy Breakfast 8:30-10:55
No restriction Feeder Special Wed Feb 12th 2pm

Sale results for February 5th, 2025
Total receipts: 587
Cattle receipts: 466

If you have any questions on fat cattle market call Gene @ 217-331-3930 or Caleb @ 217-827-5818.

Slaughter steers and heifers traded steady on high choice and steady on low choice and selects. Holstein steers traded unevenly steady on high choice and 1.00 lower on low choice and selects.  Feeder steers & heifers unevenly steady on the better quality on medium-large 1-2 (Market quotes are on mostly unvaccinated cattle) and 3.00-5.00 lower on lower quality offering medium-short 2-3. Slaughter cows traded unevenly steady on better overnight cows with good lean cows trading steady and 3.00 lower on slower cows. Slaughter bulls traded steady to 7.00 higher.

Steers: 1100-1500 lbs. Choice: 200.00-205.00, High yielding: 206.00-207.00, Prime lots: 208.00-210.00
Heifers: 1100-1500 lbs. Choice: 200.00-205.00, High yielding: 206.00-207.00, Prime lots: 208.00-209.00
Ang/Hol cross 1250-1500 lbs 190.00-200.00
Low Choice & Select steers & heifers: 188.00-195.00, Selects: 180.00-195.00
Heavy wts:1675-1850 lbs. 175.00-200.00 Few return to feed: 155.00-190.00

Holstein steers: 1300-1600 lbs. Choice: 160.00-169.00, High yielding: 170.00-175.00, Prime lots: 176.00-178.00
Low Choice & Select Holstein steers: 150.00-160.00, Selects: 135.00-145.00
Ang/Hol cross 1250-1500 lbs 190.00-200.00

Baby calves per head: Small: 100.00-175.00 Med-Large: no test

Holstein feeder steers: 200-400 lbs. 160.00-200.00 400-600 lbs. 170.00-240.00, 600-1100 lbs. 140.00-190.00, thin 350-700 lbs. 100.00-120.00

Beef feeder steers: 200-300 lbs. 250.00-325.00, 300-400 lbs. 260.00-320.00, 400-500 lbs. 270.00-325.00, 500-600 lbs. 260.00-330.00, 600-700 lbs. 250.00-310.00, 700-800 lbs. 230.00-255.00
Market quote for feeder cattle on Wednesday represents unweaned nonvaccinated calves.
Medium to Small 2-3 or bulls maybe 15.00-30.00 below quotes. The lower quality plainer feeders sell considerably lower and are not quoted. 

Beef feeder heifers: 200-300 lbs. 250.00-300.00, 300-400 lbs. 260.00-300.00, 400-500 lbs. 250.00-300.00, 500-600 lbs. 250.00-300.00, 600-700 lbs. 210.00-259.00, 700-800 lbs. 200.00-235.00.
Market quote for feeder cattle on Wednesday includes unweaned nonvaccinated calves.
Medium to small 2-3 maybe 15.00-30.00 below quotes. The lower quality plainer feeders sell considerably lower and are not quoted.

Bred cows: Small-Aged: 500.00-1350.00 Large & Young: 1500.00-2300.00
Cow/calf pairs: Small-Med:
1000.00-1800.00 Large & Young: no test

Slaughter cows: Breaker: 110.00-125.00, High yielding up to: 130.00
                                 Boners: 110.00-130.000, High yielding up to: 135.00
                                 Lean: 110.00-135.00, High yielding up to: 135.00
                                 Low yielding & thin: 80.00-105.00 Canners: 35.00-85.00
                                 Premium Whites & heiferettes: 110.00-140.00
Slaughter bulls:  Low yielding & small: 110.00-140.00, High yielding: 145.00-160.00 Individual: 166.00
These are representative sales only not every animal. Lower quality plainer animals sell considerably lower and are not quoted.

Sheep & Goat sale every Wednesday 12:00 pm or after fats.
Total 121 
Sheep & Goats sell by cwt. Sheep & goat market are very active questions call 618-322-0385.

Slaughter Lambs: 45-70 lbs. 300.00-330.00, 75-95 lbs. 250.00-300.00 100-150 lbs. 200.00-232.50
Feeder Lambs: 25-50 lbs. 200.00-250.00, 65-80 lbs. 180.00-240.00 thin poor: 140.00-160.00
Slaughter Ewes: 90-170 lbs. 100.00-130.00 Thin or Heavy wool: 40.00-80.00 Fleshy: 50.00-70.00
Slaughter Kids: 50-70 lbs. 300.00-352.50 70-100 lbs. 210.00-300.00 Dairy: 270.00-320.00
Feeder Kids: 15-50 lbs. 200.00-300.00, Thinner: 100.00-180.00 Dairy & Pygmy: 170.00-220.00
Nannies: 50-150 lbs. 120.00-232.50 150-200 lbs.  100.00-140.00 Thin: 60.00-100.00
Billies: 70-150 lbs. 140.00-182.50, Weathers: 100-180 lbs. 220.00-300.00
These are representative sales only not every animal. Lower quality plainer animals sell considerably lower and are not quoted.